Top 4 Tools for Automating the Billing Workflow That Will Save Tons of Your Precious Time

Top 4 Tools for Automating the Billing Workflow

In today’s day and age, we are faced with a lot of tasks that need to be done when it comes to managing your site. The thing is, a lot of these tasks can take up a lot of your time – time which you could be putting to good use by doing things like improving your site and/or products. One such thing that takes a fine amount of time away from you is the process of billing. Read more

Top 5 AI Heatmap Tools to Analyze Your Site and Help Improve User Experience

Top 5 Ai Heatmap Tools

What do people exactly do when they come to your website? Which pages do they inspect, how much do they scroll, and what interests them the most? This kind of info can provide some incredibly valuable insight on how your visitors behave which you can then use to optimize your pages so that the parts that draw the most attention can help you convert more. Read more

Top 5 WordPress Video Plugins

Top 5 Wordpress Video Plugins

Let’s be real, a site looks much better when it contains some kind of visual aid. In today’s modern world we have all at least once searched the internet to find a tutorial on how to do a certain task, get close information about something, or even learn a skill. Read more

4 Signs You Need a Better Host for Your WordPress Clients

4 Signs You Need a Better Host for Your Wordpress Clients

Running a WordPress agency can be highly technical work, but at its core, it should be about business. However, if you regularly have trouble with website hosting, you might find yourself getting tangled up trying to find technical solutions for your clients all too often, instead of working on the parts of your business that provide commercial value, and most importantly, recurring revenue. Read more