How to Bulk Install Plugins

How to Bulk Install Plugins Using a Plugin

One of the most tedious repetitive tasks in setting up a WordPress site is having to upload, install, and activate your favorite plugins one-by-one. This challenge is famous and even more time/resource-consuming when you have multiple websites to install several WordPress plugins. Well, the good news is: this is no longer as challenging as it used to be – there are now ways to bulk install plugins. Read more

What Is GDPR And How To Use It To Your Advantage

How to Use GDPR to your Advantage

While browsing through the internet, did you notice that things have changed lately? Every website seems very cautious when it comes to privacy; they are always asking for storing cookies and pretty much annoying us with those approvals that we accept just to get it out of the way to grab the content we came after. It happens too frequently to be a coincidence, doesn’t it? That is caused by a new cop in its cyber suit called GDPR. Read more

Gestures By Online Businesses That Their Customers Will Actually Appreciate

Gestures That Customers Will Really Appreciate

The relationship with your customers should be more than a business transaction. It should be an exchange filled with mutual appreciation, on their side for you providing them with the exact product/service they were looking for, on your side for them choosing to put their trust in your business. Some customers might not bother with showing appreciation, but every business should. This way you show your customers that you genuinely care about them and they are more than another sale to you. Read more

5 Best WordPress Staging Plugins to Create a Test Site

5 Best WordPress Staging Plugins to Create a Test Site

There is no question about whether changes are a necessity. They, along with updates, are what keeps a site running smoothly and up-to-date with the latest standards. But not all changes are functional changes. Some simply don’t work out and might even cause your site to suffer pretty negative consequences, even downtime if things go south. Now you might be thinking, “How can one freely add changes to a site without putting it in jeopardy?”. Well, there’s only one way, and that is by creating a staging site. Read more