YouTube Ads for Beginners

YouTube Ads for Beginners

If there’s an online platform that marked the past decade, it would be Youtube. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter had their rises and falls in popularity, but no platform had a rise as steady as Youtube. With an insanely wide variety of content both in terms of quality and quantity, Youtube became the perfect place for social media influencers to start their career. This is applied both in terms of actually starting content production and in content monetization. Other platforms simply had no system to monetize individual content, except for occasional sponsorships. Read more

The Best Developer Resources You Must Have: Improve Your Workplace Significantly

The Best Developer Resources You Must Have

When it comes to careers like web development, there’s a definite need for tools and resources. Just like a builder needs his mortar, and a teacher needs his books, we can say that the developer needs some crucial tools. However, these tools won’t only improve his work but also provide plenty of security options. They can be a solid safety net if need be. Read more