How to Translate Your WordPress Website in 2019

How to Translate Your WordPress Website in 2019

The global economy has opened the potential market in an unforeseeable way, creating opportunities for expanding small, local businesses onto foreign markets. This sounds fantastic, and appears simple – expanding the customer list via the internet does not appear to be a big investment for an already established online business. However, the most basic and crucial issue here lies in the key aspect – the language of the website. Read more

Asset CleanUp – Optimize your WordPress Site and Make it Fast Again

Asset CleanUp – Optimize your WordPress Site and Make it Fast Again

Every new site that’s put up is clean and fast because the code is new. There isn’t much content, scripts or plugins to weight it down. Over time, all of these additions provide a double-edged sword. At the same time, they’re helping you simplify the backend work you’re doing, but stacking them one over the other will clutter everything and making your site difficult to navigate for you and slow to respond for your visitors, and eventually cause errors or even crashes that you definitely want to avoid. To ensure that you’re promptly notified if something like that happens, it’s a good idea to keep software like Better Uptime by your side so you always know if something went wrong. Read more

Top 8 Coming Soon Plugins & Themes for WordPress

Top 8 Coming Soon Plugins & Themes for WordPress

Now every website needs a lot of groundwork. Content, images videos, links, etc. What if you have the website made, but the intricate details are still a work in progress? What if it’s time for your website to undergo renovation or a complete overhaul? At such times, the maintenance mode or under construction plugin is the best friend you can lean on. Read more