9 Reasons Why You Should Select WordPress For Your Business

If you’re a startup or have been in the business for a long time, you NEED to have a website for it! To stand the test of time, you don’t only need the proper business plan and decision-making skills, you need a solid web presence as well. You can start by developing a company website that has your target audience to view and interacts with you better.

For those who are looking into how to create a website, you might have considered WordPress among the rest. In fact, big companies like Sketchcorp prefer WordPress for their web presence! But why?

Here are the seven reasons why you should select #WordPress for your #business!

Of course, we can’t claim that WordPress is the best without having any solid evidence to prove it! To encourage you to consider using WordPress, here are some reasons why it’s beneficial for the business:

It’s Simple to Update and Constantly Develops

WordPress is actually very easy to update, with all users being able to update content quickly. Even those who aren’t familiar with Content Management Systems, users can understand everything easily and update all aspects of their WordPress websites. You won’t have to worry about requiring a technical background or accidentally damaging your content and website.

Furthermore, WordPress is always developing and won’t stop doing so. As an open-source platform, many still improve it each day. So you won’t have to worry about updates being stagnant anytime soon. The solid foundation continues to build in time, and with the ease of updating.

You own your WordPress website

Your website or your online store belongs to you. You are not in the hands of platforms with closed codes. This gives you some freedom but it is also true that you have to move at the same pace with the updates. Website creation platforms are always updating and improving their services and in many of them, you can have support via telephone.

Easy and Awesome to Customize

This is actually one of the reasons why WordPress is loved by many, as just as easy as it is to update it, you’re able to customize without having to know all about coding or CSS. While it’s a huge plus to know to code, you have the freedom of customization without having the standard lay-outing. With the excellent WordPress theme system, you’re able to implement all these beautiful designs quickly.

You’re able to have pre-made layouts and customize it however you want that suits your website. And with a freelance development community, you have help in website customization and new layouts that keep coming your way. This also makes customization cost less, or free if you can do it on your own! For example, you can start with a coming soon page free of charge, and you can have a page ready within a couple of minutes.

WordPress Websites are Fully Responsive

It could not be otherwise because there are thousands of themes that are designed to be responsive. A very good percentage of online searches are done using mobile devices and as a result, your website must be responsive. Another thing that WordPress has incorporated and that serves to improve the positioning is the AMP pages. These are pages that are read differently on a mobile phone and on a desktop computer. This makes the pages load much faster and are liked by Internet users.

WordPress adapts your design to all types of screens and devices. Nowadays, we are increasingly navigating from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. It is essential that your website works correctly on all devices. Do not lose readers or clients simply because your website does not work on a mobile device. Do not forget to contact top web development companies for your web development projects.

Packed With Helpful and Fun Features

Just because WordPress is free, it doesn’t mean it has little to no features you can enjoy. With it being an open-source platform, there are many advanced features people can take advantage of. So if you’re looking for a necessary (or wanted) feature, chances are you can install a plugin for it.

These plugins can boost your business’ websites, as you can install these quickly and it will be implemented immediately.

For example, you’re able to implement bookings or scheduling with the Booking Calendar plugin or have chat support for better customer service thanks to the WP Live Chat Support plugin.

Offers Tons of Solutions to Problems

While WordPress is extremely easy to use, we can’t deny that there are some issues we go through, especially as a beginner trying to get a gist of WordPress. But don’t worry, while issues are inevitable, they’re very easy to solve, especially with a lot of helpful articles from WordPress itself.

There are multiple articles and videos that deal with particular subjects, covering almost any type of query. Not only does the platform provide information, so do WordPress users as well. Plus, they have great chat support that would accommodate you anytime, anywhere. Also, there are dozens of great WordPress maintenance services that can help you keep the site working at its best all the time.

SEO Is Now Simpler to Understand

SEO is one of the crucial aspects to look into as a business, which can help raise your traffic and conversion rate. There are so many features WordPress has to offer, including SEO plugins which can improve your ranking and website itself for the best user experience. One of the most useful plugins is Yoast SEO among the dozens of others available.

Once you have these plugins and continue to work on your website’s SEO, it really helps boost your business and get you better search engine rankings.

WordPress Is Versatile and Can Host Easily

Whatever project or goal you want to achieve as a business on your website, WordPress is able to deliver. It’s able to offer whatever you need to be done, from great layouts down to e-commerce features. You have all the versatility regardless of what you want when you want it.

Besides this, WordPress is simple to host, and you can use any web host for it. The platform also offers to host plans according to your needs and goals. Whatever you want, you have the freedom!

You’re a Part of an Enthusiastic Community

As we’ve mentioned above, WordPress is an open-source platform with many developers and freelancers that add to WordPress updates and plugins. And with millions of people using WordPress, there is an amazing community that’s willing to help.

The platform is known to have welcoming communities all over the web. Not only are they interactive, but they also help as much as they can through sharing their knowledge and advice. This can help you as a business because there are people who can help you and you can create connections, which can be deemed valuable for companies in the long run.

Wrapping It Up

WordPress definitely has its perks, especially when you want to build a solid web presence. It’s not only easy and understandable to navigate through, but filled with features both you and the viewer can take advantage of. It’s the reason why it remains one of the most popular platforms out there!

Hopefully, this article on the seven reasons why you should select WordPress for your business encouraged you. So don’t wait any longer and look into developing a website with WordPress now! If you would like to learn how to build a website yourself using WordPress, you can reference this handy blog post.

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences with developing websites on WordPress, then comment below. Your thoughts are appreciated!

1 thought on “9 Reasons Why You Should Select WordPress For Your Business”

  1. Hey peters, wordpress has been a problem solver for many small businesses and bloggers. Great pointers here!

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