DevOps Culture Today and The Rising Trends

In a DevOps environment, finding a way to make development projects more successful is something you should be passionate about. Failing to follow the trends in the world of development can put your company in a compromising position. The last thing you want to do is lose your competitive edge due to the use of outdated tools or methodologies.

One of the best ways to increase the efficiency of the app or software development process is by adopting DevOps.

Studies show that businesses using DevOps are more operationally efficient and provide higher levels of customer service.

If you are already using DevOps in your place of business, you need to keep up with the changes going on with this methodology. As with any other tool used in this industry, there are constant DevOps innovations happening.

Read below to find out more about the DevOps trends that you need to know to stay competitive in 2019.

Embracing the Power and Convenience of Automation

One of the biggest DevOps trends you need to look out for in 2019 is increased amounts of automation. With a higher degree of automation, you can create an agile and leaner IT organization, as well as reduce the chance of employee overworking. During the development of a new piece of software, a number of repetitive and mundane tasks have to be performed.

Rather than saddling your team with the mind-numbing tasks, you can leave them to an automated piece of software. Without the need for manual testers, you can save money and resources during the app or software development process.

Automation also allows you to reduce the amount of human error that creeps into a development project. While embracing new automated tools may be intimidating, you don’t need to let your apprehension rob you of the benefits that come with using this technology.

Scale Your Workload With Serverless Frameworks

Choosing between net core or net framework is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions you have to make at the beginning of a DevOps project. Doing things like checking out the information can help you make this decision with ease. One of the main trends you will see in DevOps in the coming year is the increase in the companies using serverless or cloud-based frameworks.

With the help of a serverless development environment, you will be able to scale the workloads you have cheaply and efficiently. Being able to just focus on the development of a new piece of software or app can improve productivity levels significantly. Leaving the provisioning and upkeep of servers to professionals can take a lot of stress off of your plate.

A serverless work environment also helps you cut costs because you only pay for what you use. If you are looking for a way to increase business agility, implement rapid innovation delivery and make continuous improvement possible, then using a serverless or cloud-based work environment is a must.

DevOps Teams are Warming Up to the Idea of Everything as Code

Most DevOps experts are hailing Everything as Code as the future of the industry. In essence, the cornerstone of a successful DevOps project is a faster delivery pipeline and automation. Utilizing Everything as Code helps your team bring the repeatability and flexibility of code to the DevOps process. With this practice, building, testing and deploying new programs in record time is a real possibility.

The Everything as Code model also helps your team become more efficient by increasing the level of collaboration and transparency a project has. Many of the tops network, environments and infrastructure models on the planet are now using the Everything as Code model to produce error-free programs for their audience.

Don’t Overlook Machine Learning and Big Data

Applying both machine learning and big data practices is a great idea when trying to make sense of the data generated during a development project. When implemented correctly, machine learning can provide you more insight into the effectiveness of your current DevOps approach. While most business owners understand the importance of collecting data, they have a hard time figuring out what to do with it once they have. This is where adequate machine learning and artificial intelligence programs should come into play.

Rather than holding your business back, you need to embrace some or all of the trends mentioned in this article. By doing so, you will be able to enjoy higher productivity levels than ever before.

1 thought on “DevOps Culture Today and The Rising Trends”

  1. Thanks for your great article. I also agree that we shouldn’t overlook big data. Even though I have big data, I don’t know how to do with it. Can you share a little bit about this?

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