WordPress vs Tumblr: The Quick Review

If you’re new to blogging, perhaps you’ve heard of WordPress and Tumblr but don’t really know where to start with either one. Either one is capable of producing a high-class blogging experience. However, they are far from the same.

In fact, both WordPress and Tumblr are in leagues of their own within the world of blogging.

So, if you’re interested in learning about exactly what makes each one of the platforms so unique, you’ve come to the right place. In this complete review, we’re going to break down the platform’s features including strengths and weaknesses. In the end, we’ll share our expert opinion on each one.

What Exactly Are WordPress And Tumblr?

We all know by now that WordPress is not the only free blog publishing platform out there, there are several others like Blogger and Tumblr. But for this article, we will be focusing on WordPress.com and Tumblr. They are both blogging sites, though Tumblr is a microblogging social networking site, it has everything in one place, and yes, it’s entirely free, it’s effortless to use and is highly user-friendly as well.

While WordPress, on the other hand, is a premium open-source web-development platform for much more than simple blogging. However, it can also be used for free just like Tumblr. Before you start to form an opinion on either WordPress or Tumblr, Let’s have a look below at how each platform breaks down individually!


WordPress is one of the most famous platforms on planet Earth, let along among the top blogging sites. In short, it’s a free and open-source content management system used by webmasters and bloggers all over the world. While it is no secret the platform is great for blogging, it also offers many other types of services including professional email addresses, e-commerce packages, and much much more.

Features and Benefits of WordPress

Although WordPress is literally perfect for nearly any serious blogger, it’s also well suited for several other internet-types. Large multinational cooperations, small business owners, and individuals around the globe use WordPress to showcase their companies and services. WordPress also has some of the most impressive features among any other blogging websites currently free to its users. It has a fast and friendly design, created for people of all skill levels.

They also have excellent built-in tech support for those who aren’t so up-and-up on the technological aspects of blogging or running a website. In addition, WordPress is so heavily integrated with social media platforms that its reach is much further and wider than most blogging sites.

Users and Reputation

The number of users that have been amassed by WordPress over the years till can be described as nothing short of downright astounding. To say that the more than popular platform has slowly become a global phenomenon since it was released over a decade and a half ago is an understatement. The WordPress community has grown to be one of the largest in the industry, boasting an impressive 75+ million websites yielding at least 4 billion views per month by over half a billion people.

If you ask us, that says it all! All-in-all, WordPress also has an excellent reputation and more than likely will continue to grow and flourish well into the future.


Here are a few of the most significant advantages of WordPress:

  • The platform is completely free to use(unless you decide to upgrade – but you never have to)
  • User-friendly interface is fast and responsive
  • High level of social media integration
  • Allows a versatile range of blogging options such as scheduled posts, statistics, and much more.


A handful of the biggest drawbacks people found with WordPress are:

  • For newer users, some of the themes can be a bit tricky to get the hang of(though this can be avoided by selecting simple themes until you get the hang of things)
  • Requires constant updates to run optimally
  • Not the easiest platform to use for blogging, however, it is probably the most efficient


As previously mentioned, the now renown platform known as Tumblr is really nothing more than a really well-polished bare-bones micro-style blogging site. Tumblr allows users to post both random and personal content to an audience of their choice.

It is no doubt that the platform has grown in leaps and bounds since its release. In regards to Tumblr as a blogging platform, It is now one of the largest competitors to the mighty WordPress. And apparently, it has been doing very well.

Features and Benefits of Tumblr

Tumblr is known for its very user-friendly features. The platform not only allows bloggers to easily create content that is visually pleasing and highly shareable, but it also gives bloggers a fun and different sort of way to get their messages across to their audiences. Tumblr is highly personalizable, it’s free to use, has a huge following, and comes with all the basic tools a blogger needs to get started.

Users and Reputation

It is still unclear as to how many people use the Tumblr app because Tumblr has not revealed any official statement. However, sources have revealed that Tumblr could potentially have more than 30 million users logging in on a daily basis. Those numbers would add up to about 300 million unique users every month if anywhere near accurate. I think anyone would agree that those are some impressive stats. Furthermore, Tumblr has also managed to build a reputation for itself largely by being one of the few blogging websites to compete with WordPress in a major way.


The most significant advantages of using Tumblr are:

  • You can use the platform for free forever
  • The interface is so user-friendly that just about anyone can master in no time
  • Allows users to easily follow each other and build a unique niche audience
  • The platform is very SEO-friendly
  • Fully compatible with most popular social media platforms so you can share content seamlessly


Here are the biggest disadvantages that we found with the Tumblr platform:

  • Comment moderation is somewhat lacking as readers are free to comment as they please
  • Reblogging someone else’s post can be somewhat tricky if you are not an experienced user
  • Individual bloggers have very little actual control over the site
  • Bloggers do not have the most control over the site so if they need more power they have to switch to a new place which is stressful.

Our Verdict About WordPress vs Tumblr

We don’t know about you, but the difference between WordPress and Tumblr is clear to us; one leans more towards blogging and social media, whereas the other is much more versatile a tool. In fact, WordPress is so diverse and powerful a platform that it powers over a third of the websites online.

Let that little fact sink in. However, both WordPress and Tumblr are more than impressive in their own rights, we have to give the win(if there is such a thing?) to WordPress for being the powerhouse platform/tool that it is for everyone from bloggers to e-commerce owners and entrepreneurs. Do you currently use WordPress or Tumblr as part of your blogging toolbox? If so, which one do you prefer? Feel free to share with our audience in the comments section below! Happy blogging!