How Having a Site on the WordPress Platform Can Help You Communicate Better With Potential Customers

Finding ways to communicate with your customers can seem tedious, but it can improve your WordPress site in a lot of ways. These effective communication strategies can give you an idea of what your audience is struggling with, and help you build trust with them. Here are some of the ways you can use your WordPress site to engage with your audience, which leads to increased customer success.

Having a #blog on #WordPress platform can help you communicate better with potential customers. Do you know how?

Asking for Feedback

There are several ways to determine what kind of problems your customers are having, but if you already have an audience, why not ask them? What are their struggles? What types of content would they prefer to see on your website? Asking for feedback is one of the most effective communication strategies to learn.

FeedbackYou can also install a contact form on your website. This allows readers to send you questions. You can also encourage feedback through an online survey that you can include with your email marketing efforts or on your website. This helps you determine who your audience is and how you can optimize your content, products, and services that fit their needs.

Comment Systems

This is one of the easiest ways to communicate with your customers. While you may get haters and naysayers, it’s still an effective tool for giving your audience a voice. Responding to their comments lets them know that you care about what they have to say. You can get to know your customers by listening to their pain points.

Comments provide you with different points of view. You may receive harsh criticism from time to time, but most of it is constructive and will allow you to step up your content marketing game. If you allow comments on your website, make sure that you block the spam comments you’re likely to receive. Use a plugin like Akismet to keep those spam comments away.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with your customers. It allows you to convert those visitors into paying customers. What most WordPress owners don’t realize is that this platform can help you create a connection with your audience, once that’s deeper than you make on your website. Many distractions exist on the internet.

Email MarketingThis allows you and your reader to connect through their inbox. It gives the ability to keep in touch, write personalized emails, offer promotions and discounts, and create exclusive content. Some of the best email marketing service providers are free to start.


While forums aren’t as popular as they used to be, they can be an effective tool for your website. Reserve your email list for announcements and your comment system for feedback. Or, you can implement both through the use of forums. If you already have an active community that responds to your blog posts and each other’s comments, then a forum is a great idea.

This gives them a place where they can communicate and engage with each other about various topics. They can even help each other out while they wait for your response to an email or blog post about an issue they mentioned. Building an online community can make you stand out among your competitors. This leads to increased brand awareness and customer success.

RSS Feeds

RSS FeedRSS feeds have been replaced by e-mail marketing services. But they’re still popular due to the decline of Google Reader and the rise of social media. Your RSS feed can be used to provide content to readers who don’t want to visit your blog or join your email list. Most people still use RSS feeds to keep up with their favorite websites.

Web Design

Web design plays an important role in how you communicate with your target audience. It’s important to maintain a minimalist design on your website. On most WordPress sites, distractions from animations, hello bars, pop-ups, sidebars, sliders, and related post widgets are enough to turn your audience off.

They may get confused and overwhelmed by what they should do next. Removing these elements allow your users to know exactly what you want from them.

By including some of these elements on your WordPress site, you can get the feedback you’ve been looking for. Just be careful about which elements you choose to implement. If your customers aren’t as active in the comments section or on social media, then you probably don’t want to waste time creating a forum.