Best On-Page SEO Tips & Plugins for Fast Ranking in 2019

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important to keep you high on search engine rankings, which results in more viewers and potential connections. With millions of people using Google every day, there’s a huge chance of thousands of these searches being related to your industry.

You can hire SEO experts from the Gold Coast branch or do it yourself, but either way, you’ll need to learn how to begin strategizing for a better ranking.

With the trends changing every few months or years, it’s time to learn about the top five on-page #SEO tips for fast ranking in 2019.

What Is On-Page SEO?

If you’re wondering about what on-page is all about, it actually refers to optimizing your content for target keywords in individual posts. So we’re talking about the articles you post on your website, not just the information in it, but the proper headings, keywords, and other various factors that make your post SEO-friendly and interesting to read.

On-page SEO optimization isn’t only a huge plus, it’s a necessity if you want to increase your ranking. Search engines would look into different factors to rank your webpage based on specific keywords. Because of this, you have to help search engines discover your target keyword from your post, making it relatable and identifiable to readers who use the search engine, which is much easier with a software like Frase that allows you to steer the content towards your audience and keep it SEO-friendly.

Now that you’re familiar with on-page SEO and its importance, what can you do to rank higher through it? Here are the top five tips to follow:

Picking Good Keywords

The first step to getting good content while making it easy for search engines to find is picking a good keyword. Without a proper keyword, search bots won’t be able to identify the gist of your content, lessening your chance of ranking from that particular keyword searched by its users.

To pick out a good keyword, follow these steps:

  • Find ideas and topics you want to share about related to your industry or niche
  • Using the Google Keyword Planner or other relevant keyword tools, place that idea or planned keyword
  • Google keywords you selected, check the website of the site which ranks first on that particular keyword
  • Paste this URL on your tools and see the list of keywords your competitors rank on

Besides doing that, you can check out Reddit, Quora, or Google-related searches for keyword ideas.

Use of proposed keyword density in writing articles

One of the imperative factors for ranking calculations is keyword density. In the days of yore, the more specific the keyword on your article, the greater the chances that the page ranked despite the quality of the content or post.

A person with an open drawing pad

Keyword stuffing is another SEO strategy wherein, individuals would basically look for a similar keyword numerous times without being concerned about the content that the keyword was put in. Few experts state that about 6%-15% inside an article must have the keyword you’re working to rank for. Search engines like Google will immediately change their calculations to punish keyword stuffers rather than pleasing them.

According to the experts, keyword density should be written for human users rather than for ranking calculations. They also state that search engines rank articles based on how it will take care of the issues of human readers. Generally, there will be a greater chance of staying in the SEO industry if you tend to generate more high-quality articles.

Making an enhanced article title

One of the most essential factors when attempting to upgrade your content for positioning at the highest point of search results is your article’s title. It is vital to do research on what appropriate keyword to be used before choosing the title of your article.

Always remind yourself that words nearest to the start of the title are more advantageous in SEO rankings.

For instance, the keyword phrase Search Engine Optimization is likewise essential however not as vital. In the event that we had changed the words in the title one one of the pages to Joel House Search Engine Optimization, we would most likely place in some searches for Joel House other than SEO. In the meantime, in light of the fact that the keyword phrase “Search Engine Optimization” would be more distant to our title, we will be positioned in fewer results associated with SEO.

Generally, it is useful to write down the essential keywords at the beginning of the title and after that, the less important should be placed on the latter.

Using a Specific List and Boldfaced Words for SEO

Specific lists and boldfaced words in an article for SEO ranking is still an argument. A few sources state that they slightly affect ranking calculations while some think the opposite. But generally, boldfaced words and using specific lists make an article less difficult to read and understand from a human point of view which may sustain your ranking.

In the meantime, regardless of whether boldfaced words and specific lists do not contemplate right now in ranking calculations, they might be considered later on. In this way, to be less difficult, apply boldfaced words to your specific lists at whatever point it bodes well with regards to your article.

Enhancing Your Article’s Meta Description

Over the years, Meta descriptions are creating an issue from time to time whether they are an essential factor in search engine rankings or not. They don’t affect the rankings nearly as much as they did in the past years but still, they have an effect.

For instance, underneath the article’s title of the search results, Google usually demonstrates an article’s Meta description. This shows us the following:

  1. Users spot the Meta description of your article in Google, in this manner, Meta description has a major mental impact regardless of whether the article is really tapped on.
  2. Google’s search engine robots review and index Meta descriptions, meaning, you must utilize Meta descriptions as a feature of their ranking calculation.

That being stated, your article’s Meta description is essential. You should ensure that they portray the general message of your content. When you are creating your Meta description, always include few keywords and obviously, prevent to perform keyword stuffing.

Write Amazing and SEO-Friendly Content

Once you’ve already picked out a few good and searchable keywords, the next step is to create the amazing content that also has the proper headings and titles. Your content shouldn’t just be filled with fluff, but it should cover your specific topic in-depth and give value to the readers, answering questions and giving them something to learn from. With that being said, we recommend that you create content over 2,000 words, which has been known to rank better compared to shorter posts.

We all know the old saying ‘content is king’ – Google continues to push that agenda continuously and it’s been big on it in 2020 from 2019. But what type of content helps the most? We’ve found that publishing FAQs and marking them up with relevant schema code brings the quickest results, and it also has a side benefit of giving you additional real estate on search results.

To write the comprehensive content, ensure that you have the proper structure for your posts, filling in each section with useful information without the fluff. Remember to add the heading hierarchy (H1, H2, H3, etc) to make it easy to read. After this, optimize your title and description, as well as have the short and descriptive URLs.

Add Images and Link Better With Sharing Options

In a fast-paced world where people want visuals while they read, it’s important that you add media such as audio, images, or videos. This will help your reader learn from such visuals and also increase the time spent on the website, which is important for SEO. We recommend that you do videos, which you can actually link out from YouTube!

Besides this, add links to your previous posts as well as other authoritative websites, which makes your content trustable and can also help with your SEO. After that, add a call-to-action with share buttons and comment sections your readers can utilize after reading. It helps spread out the word about your website and give you more engagement.

Adding backlinks to your articles can also help so encourage this by reaching out to fellow websites and bloggers to link out your article!

Optimizing Your Entire Website

Besides your content, you have to ensure that the webpage itself is loading properly to make a user experience better, having them stay for the content.

So follow these steps to optimize your website and its pages:

  • Create the fast-loading content without the navy JavaScript which can slow down your site speed.
  • Use small image sizes and compress them to make them easier to load. The same goes for other types of media you plan to use
  • Your layout should be mobile-friendly and easy to read regardless of what gadgets people use

Google is loving FAQ Schema currently, one of the ways to take advantage of that is deploying it via JSON LD for your existing pages. FAQ Schema for pages and posts does just that. Allowing you to seamlessly edit pages and add your FAQ schema on the fly.

Continue Updating and Optimizing Your Old Posts

You don’t just stop after posting your content. Make sure that you analyze its performance and see what you need to improve on in future posts. If you do find mistakes or things to improve on with your content, update it to make future readers enjoy!

Furthermore, keep all your content fresh and visitable regardless of how long it’s been since you posted it. You can do this by updating your posts with new information and optimizing it according to different trends today.

If you run a website or blog through WordPress then you probably already know how important SEO is. Without strong SEO, your website might as well not even exist, let alone be found by those searching the internet. Websites lacking suitable SEO fail to be ranked well (if at all) on major search engines.

Website owners understand the importance of proper SEO strategy; fresh and unique content, organic backlinks, strong keywords, and much more. They also know that in order to keep track of these vital aspects of their site’s SEO that they need an SEO plugin.

SEO Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is one of the most successful open-source website development instruments in the world. Regardless of what your WordPress website or blog is about, chances are you want it to be discovered by as many people as possible. Day after day, you want strong search results to result in high amounts of traffic to your WordPress. But how can this be achieved?

One way to achieve optimal results for your WordPress site or blog is to use one of the best SEO plugins for WordPress. There are several significant factors to keep up with concerning your site’s SEO. That is where SEO plugins for WordPress come in.

Don’t know anything about SEO? That’s ok because you really don’t need to. All you need to know is that it is important.

It is obvious that strong and creative titles, well-written and informative content, and a bunch of other stuff affects the rank of your website with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

What isn’t so obvious is that URL format, word count, focus and secondary keywords, grammar, tags, metadata and much more equally impact your website’s rank.

What do the best SEO plugins for WordPress do?

SEO Plugins do all the complicated stuff for you, as far as search engine optimization is involved. They create sitemaps including URLs, XML and HTML, meta-tags, and other relevant data. Eventually, these detailed sitemaps lead to higher rating content, which means better site ranking and more traffic to your WordPress.

If you want your WordPress to rank among the most trafficked sites in your niche, you will need to use one of the best SEO plugins. These plugins not only help you to stay on top of your website’s SEO and rankability, but they also help you with the overall design and functionality of your site.

Seriously. Even most professional companies use SEO plugins. FOX News, PBS, Gizmodo, and many more favorite publications and blogs all rely on these plugins for their WordPress.


It’s pretty simple. Unless you graduated from a web development or computer science program in the past few months, or happen to work for Google, your SEO knowledge is very outdated. Several times a year the most important search engines, like Google and Bing, update their algorithms, leaving many current SEO practices practically a thing of the past overnight.

The most up-to-date SEO plugins for WordPress are automatically updated every time an SEO best practice is replaced by Google. They also remove the necessity for WordPress owners to have technological and SEO know-how in order to rank their site well. Additionally, the best SEO plugins for WordPress help keep your content and coding clean, well-formated, and ranking as high as possible.

The Benefits of WordPress SEO Plugins

SEO best practices can be quite challenging to keep up with. That is where the benefits of WordPress Plugins come in. WordPress is already an extremely SEO-friendly content management system, the right plugin just makes things even easier.

Once your WordPress is hooked up with an SEO plugin, you will begin to enjoy higher search results, much more significant amounts of traffic, and social media interactions with your WordPress content.

Following current SEO guidelines is of the utmost importance for your website’s well-being. What’s more, the right SEO plugin takes all of the hard work out of your search engine optimization efforts.

Stop allowing your WordPress website to get passed over in the search rankings. Download and install one of the top five SEO plugins for WordPress today!

The Top 5 SEO Plugins for WordPress

Here it is! The list you’ve been waiting for: the top 5 SEO plugins for WordPress. You will find our picks for the best current WordPress SEO plugins below. Each plugin has a product summary including features and benefits. Enjoy!

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO

The first SEO plugin for WordPress on our list is one of the most-used by WP users, period. Launched back in 2008, Yoast SEO is one of the most powerful SEO plugins ever created for WordPress. If it has to do with your site’s SEO, the Yoast plugin has you covered. From single-click XML sitemap activation to URL compiling, this plugin does it all.

Optimize articles, videos, and blog posts with Yoast by analyzing your content prior to publishing it. Preview posts, review insights on your website’s many SEO aspects and generally track all things SEO regarding your WordPress. Perhaps the most useful feature of all is Yoast’s double SEO light indication system. Green is or good, orange is for ok, and red is for bad. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

SEO Pack – All in One

All in One SEO Pack

Another of the original SEO plugins for WordPress, this pack was put together just over a decade ago. One of the easier plugins for WP users to get the hang of, you’ll be taking the reigns to your site’s SEO in no time. Comprising of several advanced features, aside from Yoast, the All in One SEO Pack is perhaps the most beloved of all SEO plugins for WordPress.

The plugin is backed by Google AMP and Analytics, making it even more useful than inferior plugins. Additional benefits of this plugin include PHP 7 compatibility, integral API, improved META tags, and built-in notifications about SEO and modifications of your website.

SEO SmartCrawl

SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, analyzer, and optimizer

SmartCrawl SEO is the next plugin we covered for our list of the top SEO plugins for WordPress. This single-click configuring plugin allows for less site-clutter and poor search results. Offering superior social sharability, detailed sitemaps, keyword tests, and scans, SmartCrawl is definitely worth looking into for your site’s SEO.

The plugin comes with preset options including SEO strategy, SEO optimizing, and site check-ups. In addition, this plugin also comes with title, tag, and description optimizers, as well as a page analyzer and interactive graphs. Furthermore, SmartCrawl supports 301 redirections and comes with Moz link tools. Develop the perfect site structure with the help of this preferred SEO plugin for WordPress.

SEO Framework

The SEO Framework

Another great SEO plugin for WordPress is SEO Framework. There are few plugins for WordPress sites which are more helpful to beginners. If you’re just getting started with your website, Framework is one of the plugins you want to seriously consider installing. It offers all the basic options of other SEO plugins as well as advanced options such as global settings, metadata optimization, and social media optimization.

SEO Framework not only monitors your site’s SEO but it also actively optimizes it as you go. Features like duplicate content prohibition, post optimization, and an enhanced page structure scanner, help newbies to get their WordPress SEO right the first time around. The plugin comes with pixel-counters, automatic mechanics, reports, and a special SEO-bar for improving on-site content.

SEO by Squirrly

Squirrly SEO 2019 (Strategy)

Last but far from least is Squirrly SEO, a plugin for bloggers, webmasters, and WP users. Not quite as popular as the All in One or Yoast plugin, Squirrly is still a major SEO plugin for WordPress fans. With its main focus on keywords and content structure, the Squrilly plugin offers exceptional SEO for articles, pages, and more.

Squirrely’s toolset is programmed with SEO strategy, best practices, and other automatic assistance. The plugin regularly receives updates with new features, alerts, and SEO strategy. Audit Suite runs auto-audits for site SEO as well. In addition, briefcase mode manages your WP and integrates automatic suggestions, monitoring, sitemaps, previews, and performance analytics.

Selecting the Best SEO Plugin for You

Just as every person is a unique individual, each website is different as well. That means the best SEO plugin for your site may not be the best for the next guy. So, how do you select the best SEO plugin for your WordPress, then?

By now you’ve probably figured out that SEO is a lot more important than you originally realized. That said, selecting the best SEO plugin for your WordPress is absolutely critical for your site’s success. From content to URLs, titles, metadata and more, SEO has perhaps more of an impact on your site’s overall success than any other single factor.

For the average WordPress, Yoast SEO plugin is highly recommended. Among favorite SEO plugins for WP, Yoast has the most features, optimization options, and advanced analysis available. From XML sitemaps to breadcrumbs, URL indexing, and redirections, Yoast does it all. Furthermore, Yoast’s famous double light indication system does more to boost your WordPress SEO than any other plugin feature we’ve come across.

Do you have a favorite SEO plugin for WordPress? If so, which one and why? Our readers would love to hear about it in the comments section below!

Wrapping It Up

On-page SEO is just as important as the technical things behind your website. As long as you continue strategizing and keep up with the various trends and updates from Google, you’ll be able to work your way up and rank even higher. It can take time, but the effort and time spent will be worth it to reach your goals. Hiring a competent SEO Agency can expedite this process and make your efforts more effective.

We hope that this article on the top five on-page SEO tips for fast ranking in 2019 helped you out. So don’t wait any longer and start following any of these tips now!

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences on on-page SEO, then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated!