5 Simple Ways to Ward Off A Cyber Attack On Your Business

Today, one of the biggest threats to every industry, professional, and business is Cyber-attack. According to numerous studies, more than 40 percent of companies have reported cyber-attacks in the last 12 months. This is depressing for every business owner. The effects of cyber-attack or breaches can be big.

If your business has been attacked, there is the loss of business reputation, loss of trust, loss of revenue from stolen data, costs of reacting to the attack, end of the potential business expansion, and many others.

Fortunately, it is possible to protect your company from viruses and hackers. The strategies are simple and do not take much time or money. In addition, the procedures can be done by small and big companies to enhance online security and protect their data.

For instance, you can use strong and separate passwords for your emails, install the latest program updates, and train employees about cybersecurity. Additionally, implementing secure data sharing practices and leveraging Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) collectively will strengthen cybersecurity. PETs enable the extraction of valuable insights from data while ensuring personal data protection, privacy, and safeguarding of sensitive information. With such simple steps, you can safeguard your business data and possible loss of revenue.

However, every organization is unique and the systems used are different. This means that you need to do more than just one or two online security strategies. Based on your business type and the magnitude of the data you handle online, it is important to learn more about how you can protect your business from a cyber-attack. Below are simple ways to ward off a cyber-attack on your business.

5 Simple Ways to Ward-off a Cyber-attack on your Business

Cybersecurity training

The first and the most important step to prevent a cyber-breach on your business is cybersecurity training. Train and educate all your employees about cybersecurity. From the senior manager to the junior staff, everyone should be trained on online security.

Keep in mind that your employees will be handling sensitive data and information about the company and your clients. You may not know but most of your employees do open emails with links such as “You need to change your password” or “You Have Won the Lottery” or “Money Transfer Approved”. By opening such emails, it can lead to data loss or your systems can be compromised. Therefore, to prevent an attack on your business data, educate your staff about cyber-attack and how they can detect or prevent it. With the right training, you prevent loss of data and revenue.

Protect all your systems

After training your staff, the next step is to have all your systems protected with the latest security systems. fraud prevention You can engage IT support to have the latest security fixes from Apple, Microsoft, and other major security experts. Also, run daily scans on all the systems to get rid of malicious files, viruses, and other threats. Simple steps you can take include:

  • Updating your operating system – the OS in your company computers control all the business activities. Therefore, have the latest versions that have the strongest protection against cyber-breach.
  • Install firewalls – firewalls act as watchmen to your company network. Hence, install powerful ones to prevent attacks.
  • Have the latest antivirus programs – you are advised to install the latest antivirus programs on all your company computers and always keep them updated.
  • Connect to a virtual private network – A VPN creates a protected, encrypted connection to browse the internet and handle online business while protecting your IP address and information. Up to a quarter of all internet users now employ a virtual private network. Using a VPN for business allows you to complete transactions online with a safe and minimally modified internet experience.

With these strategies, you will ensure your company systems are protected against any kind of cyber-attack.

Be prepared for an attack

No matter how protected and safe your systems are, you can still be attacked. Therefore, it is wise to be prepared for any cyber breach. Hackers are bright people and they can easily detect loopholes in your company’s systems. Some of the techniques you can use include:

  • Backups – always have backups in place. This will ensure all the data, files, and any information that is the backbone of your business is safe even after an attack.
  • Install attack detection – there are several tools you can use to detect any invasion. The tools will also help the employees spot any sign of attack.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance: In addition to technological measures, securing cyber liability insurance is crucial. This insurance helps cover the financial costs associated with a cyber-attack, including but not limited to, recovery expenses, legal fees, and compensation for customers. It acts as a financial buffer, ensuring your business can recover more quickly and with less financial strain.

By being prepared through detection tools and backups, you cannot lose data or information in case of an attack.

To enhance your business’s cybersecurity, it’s essential to understand the significance of Privileged Access Management. Implementing this security practice can help protect your critical assets and sensitive data.

Two-factor Authentication

Today, two-factor authentication is one of the most effective ways to ward-off a cyber-attack on personal and business data. It is a strategy that has worked well in small, medium, and large organizations.

In the realm of cybersecurity, implementing strong authentication is crucial for bolstering defenses against cyber threats, especially in the context of two-factor authentication.

It prevents any unauthorized people or hackers to access business or personal data and networks. The strategy is simple to use, free, easy to set-up and ensures only the authorized users can access crucial information. Some of the benefits of 2FA are:

  • Reducing data theft – according to recent studies, 2FA has helped to reduce cyber-attacks such as hacking, identity theft, and among others.
  • Enhance data security – since most people are likely to forget their passwords, they write them down and thus exposing them to hackers. But with 2FA, it is impossible for the hacker to gain access.
  • Help to lower operating costs – through 2FA, businesses can lower operation costs because staff can access information from their devices with ease.
  • Help to increase productivity – 2FA ensures users can gain access to the company’s system from anywhere. The employees can be able to access the company system via their mobile devices and other gadgets.

Permissions on cloud and local podiums

Another important strategy that can prevent cyber-attacks is ensuring users have correct permission and privileges when accessing certain folders and the company’s data. Even though most organizations overlook this strategy, it is an important step that can prevent an attack from within.

Moreover, it is essential to remove all old users and deactivating their access. Cyber-attacks are not just from the outside world.

Some employees can have ill motives. They can misuse data or information from the company server.

With backups and use of the 2FA strategy, it is also important to ensure that vital folders can only be accessed by specific people. This will prevent attacks from inside and outside.


The above ways have been tested and have managed to prevent several cyber-attacks. However, if you feel your business is still vulnerable to attacks, you may need to engage a security expert. IT support can ensure all the devices are safe and secure. Also, the expert will keep updating the company devices with the latest security systems.

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