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Top 5 CRM Plugins For WordPress

If you have a company or work for one that deals with customers on a daily basis, then I am sure you are aware of the importance of building a good relationship with those customers. Nowadays, the main tool that will assist you in doing that is CRM software.

Most of you reading this are quite familiar with what CRM software is, but in case you aren’t, let’s do a little dive into the meaning behind the term “CRM software”.

A CRM software helps you manage interactions between your company and leads, customers, or other people interested in your business.

Like anything in business, its main purpose is to extract the most value, a.k.a. money from the relationship you have with your customers, but also improve those relationships and the level of customer satisfaction. How exactly does a CRM software help you do that? It helps you stay organized with your customer data, automates the communication process between you and those customers, and helps you track your progress in achieving certain goals in your business.

When using a CRM software, sharing of information is made easy; all of the departments in your companies have instant access to it from anywhere at any time. No leads and no sales are lost due to information being inaccessible, unavailable, or misplaced.

A CRM software automates the process of making a sale and allows you to clearly see in which stage of making a sale you are with each customer and helps you make the right actions at the right time. Your customers will never feel forgotten or uncared for thanks to the enhanced communication they will have with you with the help of a CRM software.

Considering how costly marketing and customer service can be for a company, it’s important to see if it is actually working in the way it should be. With CRM software, you can be aware of the true situation by generating live reports on your sales and progress and make the right changes in your marketing strategy if your report data indicates that that should be done.

CRM software ranges in complexity and abundance of features, from ones that basically resemble a contact database to advanced ones that can do anything from tracking customer payments to categorizing the customers based on the interaction with your site and even creating custom landing pages for your site. There is also a number of ways of how you can incorporate it in your business and your site, but a very simple and popular way is using WordPress plugins, which will be the main focus of this article.

The CRM plugin for the WordPress market is full of great options, and each one of them can be the right choice for a specific company, but today we are going to go through a list of the top five you can consider incorporating in your WordPress website.

1. WordPress Leads

WordPress Leads is an open-source, free plugin intended for collecting, storing, and managing information about your leads. It was first built as an addon for WordPress but later grew into a standalone plugin.

With WordPress Leads, you can monitor the activities of your visitors and then segment them into profiles based on their behavior. You can find all the social media accounts and sites owned by a specific visitor, all the comments they have made on your site in the past, and everything they searched on it as well. This will help you build a clear idea of what the interests of each user are.

Data from all submitted forms are automatically stored, and you can do bulk management of all lead contact info.

Through WordPress Leads, you can manage your leads or send the information to third-party CRM software and manage it using that.

This is an extendable plugin that will allow you to include an endless number of add-ons depending on your needs. It has a very clean design, which makes it very easy to use. It can be integrated with any third-party CRM software, email service provider, lead management provider, and more.

2. UkuuPeople

UkuuPeople is another open-source plugin and one of the easiest to use CRM tools for WordPress. It is a combination of tools for contact data collection and contact interaction, which allows you to track all your interactions and do much more.

UkuuPeople segments your customers into relevant groups of people and uses the term “Tribe” for them, and all relationships are tracked and named “Touchpoints,” which can have files attached to them. Continuing with the interesting terminology, “Dashlets” represent ways of interacting with CRM data, viewing schedules, and favoriting contacts.

Using this plugin also allows you to schedule meetings and tasks and then split those among team members. Your entire team has the possibility of accessing all the data on their own, as well.

UkuuPeople offers a lot of other options like creating mailing lists, contact forms, donation pages, client accounts, business directories, or even sell products.

It is fully extendible and constantly upgraded with new features.

3. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a free tool used to create great contact forms. It works on a drag-and-drop principle and doesn’t require any coding knowledge in order to do the form creating. With Ninja Forms, you can create an unlimited number of forms, the forms can have an unlimited number of fields, and you can have a big number of form submissions without a problem.

All the form data received after processing can be emailed to the admin or user via email if necessary.

Ninja Forms includes form validation and offers a variety of special formats and input masks for your forms. Anti-span fields are also provided.

You can manage, edit, and export user submissions directly from the WordPress dashboard, and the pages containing the forms don’t have to be refreshed after the form submission thanks to the utilization of AJAX.

4. WP ERP – Complete WordPress Business Manager with HR, CRM & Accounting Systems

This is a complete WordPress business manager for small businesses that also includes HR, CRM, Accounting systems in it. It is one of the most reliable information storage and system of record on WordPress and the first enterprise resource planning system.

WP ERP allows you to manage your WordPress site and business through one platform.

The three modules that WP ERP is consisted of are HR, CRM, and Accounting, but you can also have an additional project management module included.

The CRM module, which is of most interest to us, has a number of great features. With this module, you can prioritize your contacts easier by using so-called “life stages.” Also, each of your customers is placed in a group and can have specific notes added to their profile. You can browse and filter your contacts by using keywords and attributes and save those search filters and conditions for future use.

Every dealing that happens on your site is tracked with an activity log and all CRM activity can be looked into and examined thanks to CRM activity reports which provide insight into customer and business growth

5. WP-CRM – Customer Relations Management for WordPress

This WP-CRM plugin expands the functionality of user management by allowing you to organize your users with custom attributes, filters, and more. It allows you to manage customers, vendors, partners, and affiliates all through the WordPress control panel.

All your user data can be easily organized, edited, and filtered, and any new data user attribute can be added in a blink of an eye. The user data can also be exported in a CSV format.

You can send group notifications or newsletters to your users or user groups and track all their notes and activities.

You can monitor your progress and user data using dynamic charts for attributes with quantifiable data.

If you are in need of creating contact forms, that is also possible using this plugin along with plenty of other features that can be activated by including a few more addons.

WP-CRM will make the process of user management and activity tracking significantly easier for you.


Now that you know about just a few of the best plugins you can choose from, you should start considering which one could be a great choice for you since it is never too early to implement a CRM system. All aspects and departments of your business will benefit from using a CRM system, marketing will be able to create more profitable campaigns, customer service will be able to give world-class support and sales can automate all the key parts of the sales process.

Knowing all the befits of having a CRM system in place makes the fact that 47% of businesses don’t have one sound unbelievable. Unfortunately, it’s the truth. So don’t let your company and its profit suffer by letting it fall into that 47% and introduce a CRM software into your business today.

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