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Top 5 CDN Services to Speed up Any Website

Top 5 CDN Services

CDN stands for a content delivery network, and it refers to a large number of geographically distributed servers (networks) whose main purpose is to quickly and promptly deliver web content to a user in need.

CDN is able to ensure fast delivery of HTML pages, spreadsheets, videos, JavaScript files, and many more assets, while its popularity is on the way up as it takes the online world by storm.

Today, all the major sites (such as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, etc.) use the efficient services of CDN for their web traffic.

CDN works in a way where the servers that are at the nearest geographical proximity respond and activate their services.

The content delivery network then caches the content and removes some of the origin server’s load.

CDN then sends the copied and cached content from the original site to the user requesting it in a speedy manner, and the user mostly doesn’t even know that CDN servers were involved, unless the URL of the requested content differs from that of the delivered content.

An additional bonus of CDN is if there’s ever a problem that needs quick fixing, CDN is all over it in the blink of an eye because they can’t afford to offer faulty services as they have lots to lose (all of their users).

So if there’s ever any glitch, the user is unlikely even to notice it because there’s always a plan in place to fix and improve it for good.

Top 5 CDN Services to Choose From

Now that we’ve covered the basics of CDN and explained how it works, it’s time to help you choose the best services for you and your website.

Now, if this is all new to you and you’re not as tech-savvy as you’d like to be, don’t worry about it. We’ll explain everything you need to know and state the price of each CDN service so that you’re informed about all the major things and able to make an educated decision.

It doesn’t take long to set up, and choosing a smart plan might end up costing you next to nothing. If all this sounds tempting, here are the best CDN services you can choose from and explore which ones fit your needs best.

The good thing is, you can try any one of these completely free of charge to test them out, and if you end up hooked on the one, you will have all the necessary information to engage in a purchase that will undoubtedly make your life easier.

1. Cloudflare

Cloudflare is an extremely popular content delivery service that is easy to use even to those not familiar with the technology. Its features are top-notch and user-friendly with a simple setup and no need for editing your code.

Its cloud network platform is huge as it currently has 180 worldwide data centers, and it can swiftly accelerate your APIs, websites, and even all your mobile apps.

Cloudflare’s free plan gives you the opportunity to test out everything the service can do without committing financially. There are no pesky restrictions that will keep asking you to upgrade, and the bandwidth is limitless.

Should you choose to upgrade to the Pro plan, you’ll have to set aside an affordable amount of $20, for which you’ll gain extra user support, image optimization rules, and added configuration options.

2. StackPath

StackPath CDN is used on all continents, with a significant focus on the West. The settings are simple, the console is easy to use, and if there are ever any issues, they have very efficient tech support.

Its benefits are the user-made EdgeRules, separate download choices, and real-time analytics.

The service thrives in the US and UK, while anywhere else, there might be a little drop, which is to be expected since they’re mainly focused on the West.

When it comes to pricing, the first month is free of charge, and if you choose to continue using this CDN, you’ll have to pay a very fair $10 a month for 1TB of bandwidth.

3. KeyCDN

KeyCDN is the perfect service for beginners and users not familiar with this type of technology. It’s also one of the most prominent content delivery networks which are used all around the globe.

Signing up is a piece of cake! All you’re asked to give is your email address, and you’re given 25GB to use at your own free will, and again, no payment required. Neat, huh?

Creating your own zone on the dashboard is very easy and stress-free, with guidance throughout the entire process and the ability to merge this CDN with WordPress or any other website you wish.

Here’s the coolest part. You get to remove the CDN Zone’s cache straight from your website’s admin, which means you don’t have to be logged into the dashboard to purge your cache.

The prices are extremely low and affordable (it works as a pay-as-you-go service), and you’re offered a month-long free trial.

4. MaxCDN

MaxCDN is owned by Stackpath, but its function is as a service that stands alone. The tech support is available around the clock, and the setup is simple and easy.

Their primary focus is to be extremely user-friendly, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t come with the most advanced features like some of the other CDNs, which doesn’t mean they aren’t a good choice; far from it.

The US has the biggest number of edge locations (eight) with five in Europe, and if you want to add extra locations in Asia, you’ll be charged a little extra for those.

For 100GB, they charge you $9 a month, which is a bargain, as it offers a strong performance with service easy to use by basically anyone.

5. Fastly

Fastly is the clear champion of CDNs. Why? Oh, no big deal. It’s just that its services are used by none other than Reddit and Spotify, among others.

This CDN offers mind-blowingly fast speeds, with it being the second-fastest service in the UK, and it’s not falling too far behind in the rest of the world either.

Fastly’s customizable service is probably its biggest perk. Even for video caching, there are many types of support for different types of videos. Should you decide that you want to customize your content, you’ll be offered a bunch of low-level controls that will help you work around the HTTP headers in doing so.

This service is for those who are more tech-savvy, as the setup is not as simple as some of the previous CDNs. It’s possible to figure it out, but novices are likely to be confused at first, so finding an expert to help you set it all up is recommendable.

The charge for this superb CDN is $50 a month, which is a small price to pay for such an exquisite service.


CDNs are a fantastic choice that will help you speed up your website and improve the quality of your work in a prompt manner.

If you’re not as familiar with this as you’d like to be, there’s no reason to stress about it. We’ve collected and summed up the five best content delivery services, and all you need to do is choose one that you like best.

The prices are diverse but appropriate, as some CDNs offer extremely high speeds and advanced features that make your job significantly easier.

Browse, explore, and make a well-informed decision that is best for you and your website.

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