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What Are Wireframes?

Wireframes are simple, two-dimensional drawings used instead of creating a full version of a product. They exclude production-level details like security or code. This allows the product development team to focus on the layout, information architecture, user flow, and functionality before passing designs to the engineering team.

Wireframes give developers a chance to test their ideas. By working with users and stakeholders, product teams can learn if their assumptions about what is important are correct. For more on the role of wireframes in design systems, check out this blog article on design system.

What Are the Types of Wireframes?

Website design on devices

What Are the Advantages of Wireframes?

Wireframes help product teams visually communicate problems and solutions to clients and key stakeholders within the organization. They ensure cross-functional alignment by providing a shared, understandable reference before investing in building the product or feature.

Incorporating wireframes into your practice has several benefits:

What Are the Disadvantages of Wireframes?

Wireframes have some limitations:

When to Use Wireframes

You should use wireframes when the product development team needs feedback from customers and stakeholders early in the process. In other words, use them all the time.

Wireframes should be a regular part of your design and development process because they let you understand how your product will work without having to build the final version first.

For example, if you were planning to construct a building and needed an inspector to check if it meets the code, it would be much easier and cheaper to show them a blueprint rather than building the structure and then being told to start over.

Developing applications follows the same principle. It’s much easier to get feedback from a team member or potential customer using a simplified version of the application rather than building a full version and possibly having to start over.

Types of Wireframes

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

  1. Low-fidelity wireframes are very basic, often using only simple shapes like lines and circles. Use these when you want to quickly try out new ideas and get a general understanding of the layout. They should be easy to create and modify.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

  1. High-fidelity wireframes use more detail, including colors, to clarify features and functionality. Use these when you need a better understanding of specific details like color schemes, navigation, and accessibility.

How to Start Wireframing

For both high and low-fidelity wireframes, it’s important to understand the problem, the solution you’re proposing, and the user feedback you’re seeking.

Understand the Problem

Identify what the team needs to understand. Is there uncertainty about whether users can interact with the new feature you’re building? Does this new feature fit within the context of the webpage? Clearly stating the problem will help you develop a hypothesis and have a clear idea of the solution your wireframe will provide. For more insights on the product design process, you can read this blog article: https://linkupst.com/blog/product-design-process.

Understand the Solution

Identify the solution to the problem. If you think that making a section of the site yellow will attract the user’s attention, then this idea will be the foundation of your wireframe.

Understand the User

Who is this solution for? If you want to know if users will click on the yellow box, you need to understand who the wireframe is for and what success looks like for the team. If you don’t get this right, you might end up building the product for the wrong audience.

Once the design team understands the problem, the solution, and the user, they can create an effective wireframe. For additional guidance on wireframing, you can watch this video.

The quickest way to start wireframing is to use pen and paper to draw your idea. Keep it simple and rough—use lines, circles, and squares. Include concepts like images, video, and text placement. At this point, there’s no need to write copy or include actual images or videos; just use symbols to represent these elements.

Make sure not to spend too much time on this, even though it might be tempting to create a detailed replica of your idea. Try to sketch your concept in less than 10 minutes to keep it simple and get the idea on paper.

For more on design and product development, visit Linkup Studio.

Wireframe Tools

There are several options for teams who want to develop wireframes.

Either way, you’ll have a prototype to share with colleagues, stakeholders, and customers, allowing you to make changes in hours instead of weeks.

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