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How to Remove Author Name from WordPress Posts

WordPress author name

In WordPress, displaying the author’s name alongside blog posts is a default feature. However, there may be situations where you want to remove the author name for various reasons. Whether you’re running a multi-author blog or simply prefer to keep the focus on the content rather than the author, removing the author name is a straightforward process.

In this article, we will explore various effective methods to remove the author’s name from WordPress posts. By following these methods, you can customize your website and maintain privacy by hiding the author’s identity on your published content.

Why Remove Author Names from WordPress Posts

Below are the possible reasons why WordPress users want to remove Author Names from WordPress Posts:

Ensuring Anonymity and Privacy

When it comes to certain types of websites, maintaining anonymity and privacy for the content creators can be crucial. This is particularly relevant for platforms that focus on sensitive topics, confidential information, or anonymous contributions. By removing the author’s name from WordPress posts, you can create a safer environment for content creators to share their thoughts and ideas without the fear of personal exposure.

Focusing on Content and User Experience

In some cases, the author’s name might not be as significant as the content itself. Removing the author’s name allows visitors to concentrate solely on the information presented and eliminates potential biases associated with specific authors. By emphasizing the content rather than the author, you can provide a more immersive and unbiased reading experience for your audience.

How to Remove Author Name from WordPress Posts

To remove the author name from your WordPress website, you can follow the steps below:

Method 2: Modifying the Theme Files

Another approach to removing the author name from WordPress posts is by modifying the theme files directly. This method requires a basic understanding of WordPress themes and file structure.

Step 1: Accessing the Theme Files

Before making any modifications, it’s essential to create a backup of your theme files. This ensures that you can revert any changes if necessary. Once you’ve backed up your files, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your WordPress site via FTP or use the File Manager in your hosting control panel.
  2. Navigate to the “wp-content/themes” directory.
  3. Locate and enter the folder corresponding to your currently active theme.

Step 2: Editing the Appropriate Template File

Within the theme folder, you’ll find various template files responsible for displaying different parts of your WordPress site. The specific file to edit may vary depending on your theme. However, in most cases, it’s the “single.php” or “content.php” file. To remove the author name, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the appropriate template file.
  2. Open the file using a text editor or an integrated code editor.
  3. Search for the line of code responsible for displaying the author’s name.
  4. Remove or comment out the code that outputs the author’s name.
  5. Save the changes and upload the modified file back to your server.

After completing these steps, the author’s name will no longer appear on your WordPress posts.

Method 3: Custom CSS Styling

If you’re comfortable with CSS, you can use custom code to hide the author name. This method allows you to maintain the author’s information in the WordPress backend while hiding it on the front-end.

Step 1: Identifying the CSS Class or ID

To begin, you need to inspect the HTML structure of your posts and identify the CSS class or ID associated with the author’s name. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit your WordPress site and navigate to a post with the author’s name visible.
  2. Right-click on the author name and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” from the context menu.
  3. The browser’s developer tools will open, showing the HTML structure of the page.
  4. Locate the HTML element corresponding to the author’s name.
  5. Identify the CSS class or ID associated with the element.

Step 2: Writing Custom CSS Code

Once you’ve identified the CSS class or ID, you can write custom CSS code to hide the author’s name. Here’s an example:

.author-name {
display: none;

In this example, the class “author-name” is targeted and set to “display: none,” effectively hiding the author name on the front-end.

After writing the CSS code, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Appearance” and select “Customize.”
  3. In the customizer, locate and select the “Additional CSS” option.
  4. Paste the custom CSS code into the provided text area.
  5. Save the changes.

Upon saving the changes, the author’s name will be hidden from your WordPress posts.


Removing the author’s name from WordPress posts can be beneficial for various reasons, such as ensuring anonymity, emphasizing content, and providing a better user experience. In this article, we explored three methods to achieve this: using a plugin, modifying theme files, and applying custom CSS styling. Choose the method that suits your needs and preferences, and enjoy a WordPress site with author-name-free posts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it possible to remove the author name for specific posts while keeping it for others?

Yes, it is possible. By using plugins or modifying the theme files, you can selectively remove the author name from specific posts while retaining it for others. This gives you flexibility in managing the display of author names based on your preferences.

Will removing the author name affect SEO?

No, removing the author name from WordPress posts does not directly impact SEO. Search engines primarily focus on the content and relevance of your posts rather than the author’s name. However, if authorship is a significant factor for your website or brand, consider alternative ways to showcase author information, such as author bios or author archives.

Can I hide the author’s name only on the homepage?

Yes, it is possible to hide the author name only on the homepage. By targeting the homepage template file or using conditional CSS, you can apply specific styles to hide the author name exclusively on the homepage while keeping it visible on other pages or posts.

How can I remove the author’s name from past posts?

If you have a large number of existing posts and want to remove the author name retrospectively, using a plugin would be the most efficient method. Plugins like “Bulk Remove Author” allow you to remove author names from multiple posts in one go.

What if I want to display the author’s name again in the future?

If you decide to display the author name again in the future, you can easily revert the changes made using the plugin or modifying the theme files. Simply activate the plugin or restore the original theme files, and the author name will be displayed as before.

Are there any alternative methods to remove the author name?

Yes, there are alternative methods to remove the author name from WordPress posts. Some themes provide built-in options to hide the author name without the need for plugins or code modifications. Additionally, certain page builder plugins offer modules or settings to control the display of author information.


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