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How to Conduct a Blog Content Audit for SEO Improvement: 3 Key Tips 

Ever stare at your overflowing blog archive with a vague sense of dread? Yeah, you’re not alone. Over time, blogs accumulate tons of content – some evergreen gems, others gathering digital dust bunnies.

Think of a content audit as a strategic checkup for your blog. It helps you find your high-performing content, spot areas for improvement, and basically, make your blog way better for search engines and your readers. So, here are some tips to guide you through this powerful process.


Build Your Content Inventory and Analyze Performance

The first thing you want to do is create your content inventory and see how it’s doing. This step is key for understanding the current state of your content.

Round up your content. Use a website crawler or just poke around your blog’s archive to make a list of all your published posts, including details like title, URL, publish date, and category. This big list is the foundation of your audit, giving you a clear picture of what you have.

Then, break out your analytics tools. For each post, look into your website analytics and see how it’s performing – organic traffic, page views, bounce rate, average time on page, etc. This will give you a sense of which posts are hitting the mark and which ones aren’t.

And don’t forget social media. Social shares and comments can be a goldmine of insights, and so you want to keep an eye on how your posts perform when they’re shared on platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Evaluate Content Quality and SEO Optimization

Now that you’ve got the lay of the land, it’s time to dig a little deeper. As any competent SEO agency will tell you, you want to make sure that your content not only attracts visitors but also meets their expectations and keeps them engaged.

So here’s what to evaluate:

Develop an Action Plan and Prioritize

Based on your analysis, you want to categorize your content into 2 different buckets. This step is critical because it helps you prioritize your efforts and allocate resources effectively. Without a clear action plan, chances are you’re going to struggle to implement any real change that’s actually going to significantly improve your blog’s performance. What are the two buckets?

First is thriving content. These are your high-performing champions! You want to put some extra love into your high-performing posts. Really, consider refreshing them with new information or visuals to maintain their effectiveness. Leveraging your best content often means achieving quick wins.

Second is your needs improvement bucket. These are your underachievers. These posts have potential, but they’re not quite hitting the mark. Figure out what they’re missing and make a plan to spruce them up. It might be as simple as adding more detail or optimizing for better keywords. Really, working on existing content is often more efficient than creating new content from scratch.

So, really, getting into this process can seem daunting, but it’s incredibly rewarding. By following these steps, you’ll not only boost your blog’s SEO but also create a more engaging and valuable experience for your readers.

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